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Ogame Universo Circular

Ogame has several universe types allowing players to select the universe with the settings that they like most and fits their playing style.Some universes are old with strong players having a lot of defense and huge fleet and a lot of inactive accounts that can be farmed allowing a steady resource income for diligent farmers.

Ogame Universe Circular 10

Trading LawsFirstly, you must make sure you trade within the legal trade rates so you aren't banned for pushing. In all universes the legal trade rates are between 3:2:1 and 2:1:1.What does this means:.

3:2:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 2 units of crystal or 3 units of metal. 2:1:1 Where each unit of deuterium is worth 1 unit of crystal or 2 units of metal.Keep in mind that when forming trade rates if you change rates for metal the same change must be done in crystal rate.Note that if you are ranked lower, you are allowed to sell your resources for a higher price. That is called pulling and is legal, however, due to a high price, no one will be willing to buy your resources that expensive. Check the trade section of your universe to see what are the regular prices at that time to know what is the best price you can set.Important: Always read pushing rule on your board.Trade scamsYou're in risk to be scammed when you're a higher ranked player in trade. As you can send the lower ranked player anything without anything in return legally and Game staff can't help you with that.When trading resources make sure that the lower ranked players' resources arrive to the higher ranked player first.This way the higher ranked player is forced to send something tangible in return or both higher and lower ranked accounts will be banned for pushing. Unless you (as a higher ranked player) inform your GO via ticket system and follow instructions on what to do with resources.Trading BasicsThe strategy of trading is that people make two or more transactions to end up increasing the number of resource units they began with. The basic and most logical rule is 'sell expensive and buy cheap'.A basic trade will look like this:.

Deuterium Crystal in 3:2:1. Crystal Deuterium in 2:1:1This trade, at the best trade rates possible will double your Deuterium at the start. (100% Profit).Good and/or bad ratios. Sell metal, buy crystal: Good ratio 3:2:1 (1kk metal would get you 667k crystal). Bad ratio 2:1:1 (1kk metal would only get you 500k crystal).

Sell metal, buy deuterium: Good ratio 2:1:1 (1kk metal would get you 500k deuterium). Bad ratio 3:2:1 (1kk metal would only get you 333k deuterium). Sell crystal, buy metal: Good ratio 2:1:1 (1kk crystal would get you 2kk metal). Bad ratio 3:2:1 (1kk crystal wold only get you 1,5kk metal). Sell crystal, buy deuterium: Good ratio 2:1:1 (1kk crystal would get you 1kk deuterium). Bad ratio 3:2:1 (1kk crystal would only get you 500k deuterium). Sell deuterium, buy metal: Good ratio 3:2:1 (1kk deuterium would get you 3kk metal).

Ogame Universo CircularOgame Universo CircularOgame Universo Circular

Bad ratio 2:1:1 (1kk deuterium would only get you 2kk metal). Sell deuterium, buy crystal: Good ratio 3:2:1 (1kk deuterium would get you 2kk crystal). Bad ratio 2:1:1(1kk deuterium will only get you 1kk crystal)Trades are usually a bit above ratio 2:1:1. Normally the rates are higher in new unis as it's more active and more players are trying to profit out of the trades, You need to be careful not to trade for a too high ratio though.You may also not trade for a ratio ie 3:1:1 as metal would be too expensive compared to crystal.